Evaluation of the Impacts of Sustainability Standards on Smallholder Coffee Farmers in Southern Sumatra, Indonesia, Final Report

Evaluation of the Impacts of Sustainability Standards on Smallholder Coffee Farmers in Southern Sumatra, Indonesia, Final Report

This report presents the results of a research project with the overarching goal to examine the impact on farmer livelihoods and poverty alleviation within Indonesian coffee-growing communities as a result of processes of certification against different sustainability standards. These standards include the Common Code for the Coffee Community (4C) and the Sustainable Agriculture Network/ Rainforest Alliance (SAN/RA) standard. The project, cofunded by the Ford Foundation (and administered through the ISEAL Alliance under the Demonstrating and Improving Poverty Impacts – DIPI project) and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), adopts an integrated, mixed-method, research design to address this overarching goal. The research team for this study is being led by researchers at the University of Sydney, in partnership with J-PAL Southeast Asia, the University of Lampung (UNILA) and the Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI).

This report presents the integrated results and findings from various project activities during the period 2015-2018, including an analysis of main survey rounds conducted in 2015 and 2017