Steps to encourage participation in the Blueprint | SAN

Steps to encourage participation in the Blueprint | SAN

In general, in a territory the social actors work collaboratively, they themselves define the channels and mechanisms of participation in accordance with their cultural framework and the roles recognized for each one.

For the design of the Blueprint tool, local actors were considered in two contexts, one in the design and selection of the indicators and the other in the use that will be given to the tool as such. Regarding the design and selection, the participation of the actors who make decisions about the territory was sought, both in the construction of the rules of use and of those who use the territory for the development of different activities. As for who will use the tool, it was considered that most of these actors are potential users, but the number and profile of indicators may be different according to the vision, mission, and role within the territory/landscape.

Based on the foregoing, a mapping of actors was defined to identify them, classify them and establish the strategy for the construction of indicators and queries for validation