ISEAL Global Sustainability Symposium 2024

Thank you to everyone who joined us on 13 June for a day that pushed the bar with practical solutions to ensure that new due diligence and reporting regulations spread benefits to people and the planet.

Through a day of expert insights, interactive sessions, discussion, and networking, we explored what effective due diligence and reporting partnerships can look like, and the roles different actors can play to achieve sustainability goals.

With new requirements coming into force, corporate due diligence for social and environmental issues is high on the agenda for many supply chain actors.

Globally, these new expectations are reshaping supply chain behaviour and sourcing for potentially decades to come. As companies grapple with how to implement these new requirements, today’s actions, tools, and partnerships will have significant impacts on climate, livelihoods, and other issues that matter.

Sustainability systems are well placed to support new regulations around corporate sustainability due diligence, reporting, claims management and more. From providing high-quality risk assessments and equitable data solutions, to approaches that support inclusive sourcing practices, sustainability systems and their partners have broad roles to play.

Resources from the event are available here. 


The 2024 ISEAL Global Sustainability Symposium was hosted with generous support from the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).


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