ISEAL has commissioned a systematic review being led by Carlos Oya and Dafni Skalidou on the effects of supply chain sustainability approaches on decent work outcomes in the agriculture, textile, and apparel sectors in low and middle income countries. The review aims at gaining a better understanding of what works to improve labour rights and conditions in these sectors, why, under what circumstances and for whom. For more information, please read the protocol for the review below.
ISEAL and partners are looking for an experienced and reputed research team to conduct a systematic evidence review on the effects of supply chain sustainability approaches on decent work outcomes in the agriculture, textile and apparel sectors. Deadline for expressions of interest: 10th April 2023 Deadline for submitting proposals: 20th April 2023
The Modelling a Path to More Sustainable Landscapes project is a three-year effort to spatially analyze the baseline risk of commodity production and the role of sustainability policies to mitigate those risks. This document is for people interested in increasing the value and integrity of data and in assessing the potential impacts of policy decisions in terms of agriculture production and environmental outcomes.
The Modelling a Path to More Sustainable Landscapes project is a three-year effort to spatially analyse the baseline risk of commodity production and the role of sustainability policies to mitigate those risks. This document is for people interested in increasing the value and integrity of data and in assessing the potential impacts of policy decisions in terms of agriculture production and environmental outcomes.
The Modelling a Path to More Sustainable Landscapes project is a three-year effort to spatially analyse the baseline risk of commodity production and the role of sustainability policies to mitigate those risks.  This document is for people interested in increasing the value and integrity of data and in assessing the potential impacts of policy decisions in terms of agriculture production and environmental outcomes.
A description of the phase 4 pilots of the Certification Atlas project. The purpose of these pilots was to explore some geospatial analysis options. This is an effort to help develop GIS understanding and capacity, promote its use and think about the end-goal Certification Atlas. 
The context in which sustainability systems operate significantly influences the scale, depth and durability of their impacts. This is an important consideration when designing new strategies to improve sustainability performance. To provide support in this area, we have developed the following resources:
This is a conceptual framework which outlines the justification and process for the development of the ISEAL Common Core Indicators. This work began as part of ISEAL's Developing and Improving Poverty Impacts project (DIPI).
Use this template to complete your Compliance Checklist for the ISEAL Assurance Code of Good Practice Version 2.0
Use this template to complete your Compliance Checklist for the ISEAL Standard-Setting Code of Good Practice Version 6.0
Use this template to complete your Compliance Checklist for the ISEAL Impacts Code of Good Practice Version 2.0
ISEAL Board and Committee members and ISEAL staff should conduct themselves at all times in accordance with good professional judgement for the benefit of ISEAL and in such manner as to not create a conflict of interest or appearance of such conflict.
This ISEAL Guidance seeks to capture some of the core elements and good practices that are emerging as a result of this innovation.
Credibility-Principles_V1.2 in Chinese ISEAL 11-2020
This document summarises the approach ASC, SFP and SFW took to data sharing throughout the Integration of seafood certification and jurisdictional assurance models project in March 2022. It explores data collected at different scales, and how this data can be created, shared and used by the project partners.